Saturday 18 March 2017
Posted by:  2:46 PM CST

As many readers are probably already aware, as of March 1st, Samhain Publishing Ltd. closed up shop. I am saddened by the loss of my first publisher. I only had wonderful experiences with each of my four releases through them. My editor with Samhain, Heidi Moore, was a great person (more)

Posted by:  12:16 PM CST

The promo tour for Luck is No Lady starts today! Here is the full schedule of where I'll be popping up over the next few weeks. Please feel free to stop in to any of these online blogs and review sites on the date indicated to leave a comment or two. The (more)

Posted by:  6:06 AM CST

I am so excited to share this video trailer of Luck is No Lady. It was created by the daughter of a wonderful writer friend, S.C. Mitchell. She is just starting out in the business with Dragonstar Designs and I think she did a fantastic job presenting Emma and Roderick's story (more)

Posted by:  6:06 AM CST

I am so excited to share this video trailer of Luck is No Lady. It was created by the daughter of a wonderful writer friend, S.C. Mitchell. She is just starting out in the business with Dragonstar Designs and I think she did a fantastic job presenting Emma and Roderick's story (more)

Friday 12 February 2016
Posted by:  5:35 AM CST

I am going to RWA 2016 on San Diego!